We have decided to make sure that the clothing of the girl reflects her posh, rich background. We are going to do this by making her style very sophisticated. The types of costume that she will be in are well fitted jeans, neck scarf’s, shirts, leggings, dresses, boots with a heel, heels, trench coat, and other similar outfits. We are also going to make sure that she has a lot of accessories to make it look like she has money by giving her oversized bags, sunglasses and jewellery. She will be wearing a wide variety of colours to show how wide and varied her wardrobe is as well as how she has every item she could possibly want. To emphasise this more she will be wearing many different outfits throughout the trailer. Her clothing is also going to reflect her age by making sure that it is up to date and fashionable which also shows that she can afford to keep up with the trends.
Below you can see a sample costume:
William (the posh boy) is also going to have a very sophisticated style so as to make sure that the audience get an immediate visual image showing them that he is of wealth, upper class and from a high status background. He is going to wear neat blue jeans, shirts and a black suit jacket. We have chosen to put him in jeans instead of a full suit as we thought that a full suit would look to over dressed and unrealistic for a boy of 17 years old, this is why we have chosen to dress it down with neat jeans, however he still looks very sophisticated and wealthy. We have also decided that the suit jacket is going to be black as this symbolises sophistication.
Below is a sample of the sort of outfit that he will be wearing:
Williams’s style is going to be a contrast against the boy that has a lower class and lives in Basildon as we have chosen to put the boy of lower class in scruffy jeans, trainers and either a hoody or zip up jacket. All of these items of clothing show that he doesn’t care about how sophisticated he looks and also gives the audience an idea that he is not as wealthy as William and is from a lower class. The scruffiness of his jeans and trainers are going to show that they are very old and the worn and that he cant afford to keep buying new clothing as regularly as an upper class person. However his relaxed style will reflect the fact that he is a very easy going person.
Below is a sample of the sort of outfit that he will be wearing:
Some effective planning Amber, well done.