Tuesday, 20 April 2010


To make our DVD look as professional and authentic as possible we decided to create a DVD menu, to do this we used a programme on the 'Apple Mac's' called 'iDVD'. On this programme there were many layouts available in various which meant that we were able to choose a layout that best suited our themes and genre.

Within these themes you could add in submenus, many links, pictures and footage from the films. We have tried and tested out DVD menu to ensure that all of the links work and that it was easy for the audience to navigate around.

However when using this programme we encountered the problem of not being able to change the colour schemes of the layouts which meant that although we found a layout that we felt best suited our film genre, the colour scheme was not correct and we therefore had to compromise between the two to make sure that our DVD menu was kept cohesive with the rest of our texts.

Overall we believe that this programme made out DVD more realistic and looked very professional once completed, tried and tested.

1 comment:

  1. Clear description of process; when we are more familiar with the new Macs we may find an easy way around this; it would be worth further investigation. Good work as usual Amber.
