Saturday, 10 April 2010

Facebook Page

As an ancillary text and part of a promotional package for our film we decided to create a Facebook page for the film, this was through previous research that we did in which we found it worked particularly well for professional texts like 'Cloverfield' (This is the link to this research and also 'Marshall McLuhan's' theory beleived that today today's world is a global village in which the world is unified through electronic technology and this therefore means that by creating a Facebook we could inform anyone in the world with a Facebook page about our film.

Once we had created the page we added information about the film including; the title, the plot, who it is starring, the production company, the fact that it is coming soon, the directors and the producers. As well as this we uploaded photos from the film and from the photo shoot, once we had uploaded this album we also then created another in which we uploaded the ancillary promotional texts. We did this as we beleived that it would create hype and Facebook is a quick way to spread the word of mouth about your film.

Once the page was completed we promoted it through our own page by sending the link to people on Facebook chat, in messages, by updating our status and by writing on peoples walls. We found this to be a huge success with over 90 people adding the page within the first day and this therefore shows the scale of how quickly things can spread on Facebook and by using viral marketing.

When we had many fans we then hyped up the film and added the rough cut of our teaser trailer in which we then used this page to get audience feedback which we then acted upon and once completed, uploaded the final cut of the teaser trailer.

We found this page particularly useful as it meant that we could ask a large range and variety of people for feedback and opinion on our film as well as the feedback that we received from our class. We also felt that this was a good way to spread the world of mouth about our film.

The Link to our Facebook page -!/pages/A-Day-To-Remember-Film/100184023

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