Sunday, 11 April 2010


Through extensive research we began to realise that the music played a large role in audience gratification, we therefore began to research into pieces of music that we felt would be good for our own film, however due to the fact that we were only allowed to use music that had not been copy righted and this therefore made it very hard for us to find a good piece of music.

We began by looking at many websites on the internet for example and however after looking through both these websites and many more we came to the problem of now finding anything that we believed would be suitable for our production. As well as this a man names Stephen Scott had kindly given our media class some copy right free music that he had made however again when listening to all of the tracks we still felt that none of the pieces were what we were looking for.

Luckily half way through the course we were given Mac's and therefore due to the music problems we were having started to try out garage band by putting beats and instruments together and layering the music. We also started to adjust the speed and the pitch to try and get some pieces of music that we believed would be suitable. After using a trial and error method and many attempts we finally managed to create two pieces of music that we felt fitted our teaser trailer and was what we were looking for as we believed that it gave the right impressions and helped show of our themes and express both equilibrium and disequilibrium in the correct places.

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